So...... a portion of Mary Waldron's never finished ombre embroidered rose linen table cloth has become a delightful set of hangers for the guest room.
If you would like to make this project yourself, just start with a few wire hangers, trace their shape on fabric, and cut out two pieces for each leaving a 5/8th seam allowance on the curved sides and two inches at the straight bottom. Cut a piece of 3/4 inch wide ribbon twice the length of the hanger hook plus two inches. Fold in half right sides together and stitch down each side, stopping an inch from the bottom. Turn right side out and slip over the hook. I like double faced satin ribbon for ease of turning. Place your fabric pieces right sides together, stitch along the curved sides leaving a one inch opening at top and an opening the full length at bottom. Turn right side out, press, and slip the finished piece over the ribbon covered hook. I stitched up the bottom by hand, folding the fabric twice and using more ombre embroidery thread to to make a seam that ties in with the original embroidery work. You could also use a blind stitch or even leave raw edges if the fabric texture lends itself to that effect. Finish by stitching through both the ribbon and fabric cover where the hook meets the main body of the hanger and catch another short piece of ribbon to tie into a small bow. Voila! Elegant, vintage, and possibly a story or two to tell with this little recycle project!
I'd love to see what you do with this idea! Comment and link to your finished project if you wish to share.